Amnesty Rumors Swirl Around Budget Reconciliation Package

2 min readJul 13, 2021


Top Democrats are finalizing the basics of their multi-trillion-dollar partisan reconciliation wishlist while simultaneously attempting to squeeze as many progressive priorities as they can into their filibuster-protected shopping cart.

Concocted by self-proclaimed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, the public is expected to get its first glimpse at the bill as early as this week, creating a multi-trillion-dollar spending ceiling for progressive policies so unpopular they could never make it into any bipartisan deal.

Democrats get only one more try this year at passing a reconciliation bill that won’t require any support from the 50 Senate Republicans. Due to this, every Democrat lawmaker is trying to push more and more progressive priorities into the final package. A move some explain is to appease the party’s progressive wing currently disappointed with the Biden Administration’s performance.

Despite the plethora of progressive wishlist issues, one of the most popular remains “comprehensive immigration reform”. Politico reported today that Democrats hope to include several amnesties for illegal aliens in the package, including a “pathway to citizenship” for Dreamers, as well as amnesty for aliens with Temporary Protected Status, and any illegal aliens Democrats define as “essential employees.”

Top Democrat Party Leaders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have expressed a desire to include sweeping immigration changes in the one-sided package. President Biden’s spokespeople have signaled he’s open to it as well. However, some lawmakers are worried that such policies can’t be included in a reconciliation package due to special budget rules.

“The push,” Politico reports, “comes as the Biden administration has failed to rally enough support, even among Democrats, for the president’s sweeping plan to revamp the U.S. immigration system;” now forcing Democrats to try and pass such unpopular and disastrous priorities through the filibuster-proof budget reconciliation process.

For more on what’s being considered for the budget reconciliation package, please visit Politico.

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Originally published at on July 13, 2021.




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